23 March 2011

Secret project, and more

I've finished my entry for the Project Modern monochrome challenge, save a few stitches along the binding and maybe a label.  I'll have pictures for you in a couple weeks.

Next up: unicorns, beasts & botanicals.

13 pink prints x 50 triangles per print = 650 pieces of unicorn

When I showed Hamish my sketches for several quilt designs he noted that my unicorn was 'going non-ironic.' I'm still trying to wrap my head around how a pink pieced unicorn quilt made by a 42-year-old man can escape irony. But maybe he has a point.


  1. Hello! That looks really interesting! I love always small patches ... so surely it's going to be something exiting! Nothing wrong with the colours! Teje

  2. It's going to be awesome, ironic or not!

  3. Wonderful! and thanks, you made me laugh. I look forward to seeing the end result.

  4. Dan, do you recall the yardage required of each print to get those 50 triangles? A fat quarter or half yard?
